Friday, November 5, 2010

Baggie Method on My Baby

Lol! Awwww.... Look at that face ha!ha! I decided to try the baggie method on my little boy I used QP mango Butter and hydratherma natruals Emu oil. It was hard to keep his distractions from the shower cap. Smh, but I managed to leave it on for a full hour. The trick was to feed him, which lead him to getting sleepy : ) Anyway It came out nice and smelled reeeeeeaaallllyyyyy good. But! It dried up super fast his hair soaks up everything. I use these same products on my hair, and they work perfectly, but his hair is just too THICK! And who soaks up butter? Mango butter at that? I want to try to use another moisturizer I was thinking of using S-Curl..... Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. lol whoo! and someone in the background of this pic needs a serious pedicure : ) #ImJustSayingLol
